Wednesday 2 January 2013

Welcome to my year

I've been meaning to start a blog for ages now, but somehow never getting around to it... (huh, the story of my life). Well that ends now. Not only is it a new fresh year, but it's the beginning of MY year. 'Your year?' I hear you exclaim. Yep, my year! 2013 is spelt the same as my name (ZOIE) so how could it not be mine? You are, of course, more than welcome to join me though :^D

So, why start a blog?

First and foremost, it's for my poor little brain's sake. An inherent hoarder, I'm loath to let anything go, even thoughts, but it's simply got to capacity in here now and something's gotta give. I know unless I'm careful it'll be my marbles which are most easily dislodged. So I plan a controlled release. Any and all stuff which might be of (vague) interest to someone out there in cyberland will be emptied out of my noggin and put here, in black and white. Hopefully you'll enjoy some of it. Hopefully you'll find some of it useful. Maybe some of it will even be inspiring. Who knows? But if all it does is maintain my sanity, I'll be happy.

What delights can you expect?

Well, I've got a few themes in mind. They're namely: 

Extreme Budgeting - being frugal is a favourite topic of mine. I enjoy reading lots of blogs about other people's adventures in thrift, and have been inspired to really take the bull by the low-cost horns this year. I sorta stumbled (budget-wise) through my first term of being a full-time student. Now I want to really hone my cashless skills, and I've got all sorts of ideas in that vein that I'll float here.

Craft Ideas - This is mainly tied up with the budgeting thing now. I've always been fairly crafty, but mostly in an arm-chair capacity. In other words, I have constant streams of ideas of things to make, to modify, to repair, and I generally have the skills to realise those ideas, just not necessarily the motivation... So, in the name of not spending, I will actually start making stuff (instead of buying it)! It's already started - my nieces got a homemade puppet theatre for Christmas. It was mostly made by my own fair hands, but I have to give credit to my Mum for helping me out. I expect I'll tell you about that soon.

Finding My Fitness Fit - The seemingly never ending search for activities to keep me fit, which cost little or nothing and (more elusively) don't feel like a chore... 

Cool Stuff - I know I'll witter on about stuff that just catches my eye (Oooo! Glitter!!).  Hopefully you'll like it too.
In fact, let's start as I mean to go on. Here's a pic of the coolest cat on the planet, my Eddie :^D

Three Good Things - Writing down three good things about each day is an excellent habit for keeping my outlook on the bright side. Not only does it help me, but I found through sharing mine via a certain social medium (which shall remain nameless, but I'm sure you don't need three guesses) that it seems to help other people too. I'll tell you about how my habit came to be, and what today's things are/were.

Today's were: 
  1. It's my lovely bloke's birthday today. I think my prezzies for him hit the spot, and even the weather seemed in a celebratory mood - a glorious rain free rainbow above his house first thing this morning.
  2. I made yummy raw salsa for lunch with some a GIANT bunch of coriander that was going begging for 10p in the reduced section at the supermarket yesterday. It was yummy, good for me, and sooooo cheap!
  3. I got around to launching my blog!

Anything Else We Can Think Of - I'm sure other stuff will occur to me as I go along, but I'm also open to requests. Is there anything you want to hear about from me? Lemme know.

Anyways, that's enough jibbering from me for today. How was your day? You're looking mighty fine in that outfit - is it new? ;^D

Catch ya soon :^)
Z x

P.S. As you might have guessed, I haven't thought of a proper name for my blog. Got any ideas? 

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