Saturday 5 January 2013

Six Good Things

Yesterday's Three Good Things

  1. Nice catch up with chum n kitties - much tea consumed.
  2. Good to see some of the college gals
  3. Actually did a BIIIIIIG chunk of homework *gasp!* 

Today's Three Good Things 

  1. Lovely morning of V+ catch-up in peace, and much amusing social media banter this afternoon
  2. A super stonking lunch made by my own fair hands, even if I do say so myself! (Cheeeeeesy crumpets for tea later... oh yeah!) 
  3. Today is gonna be my first No Spend day :^D

I demand that you tell me yours!

Z x


  1. notmadclosetgenius5 January 2013 at 19:11

    I too managed to do some homework and catch up with last terms stuff I hadn't quite got round to. Also, I managed to spring clean (early) the house so I can start my new year Monday with everything done. Lastly, managed to watch two films and complete all the ironing.

    How dreadfully practical..... Tomorrow's three will be more fun, hopefully :) xx

