Thursday 3 January 2013

Day 2 of Bloggy Goodness

Today's post is going to be a dual purpose thing. The main theme of my post is to talk about my ideas I've had for extreme budgeting in ZOIE year. In the process of doing that I shall be carrying out the exercise set my very clever hypno helper lady at Lighter Dawn Hypnotherapy.

I'm a rubbish concentrator and terminal procrastinator - so I've been set the daily task of coming up with a theme to write about (pick a theme, any theme); choosing three key words about that theme; then setting a 5 minute timer and just writing, incorporating those three words in the first sentence. I'm to write, and write only. No reviewing, no correcting, no fannying around with the formatting as I go along. When the 5 minutes is up I'm to go away completely from my work for at least another 5 minutes. I have to repeat this cycle until I have a whole post, essay paragraph, whatever. Only then can I review, correct typos, etc, etc.

It's a weird ole concept for the gal who will merrily faff around with spelling and formatting for hours, rather than actually getting on with the content.

Anyway - on with today's theme.

I've taken inspiration for my extreme budgeting from various blogs that I read - but I think my main influence here has been Froogs at Frugal Queen. Thanks Froogs! Please have a look at her blog if extreme budgeting floats your boat. :^D

Since deciding that I really want to run with this challenge I've been noting the ideas / tasks on my trusting mobile. Here they are:

  1. No spend days
  2. Make it / freecycle it / swap it
  3. Calculate journey costs on Google Maps
  4. Earn points 
  5. Look at second hand on eBay/Amazon 
  6. Penny jar(s) 
  7. Pressure cooker / slow cooker 
  8. Bulk buy with others
  9. "Cheapest"s database
  10. No new clothes month
  11. Late night supermarket shopping
  12. Frugal recipes and/or ingredients

I'll provide you with explanations of each over the next few days, as I'm running over 'blog time' now (another parameter set by hypnobird).

So how was Day 2 for you? Did the earth move? 

Z x